Remember back in series one of Game of Thrones when Nedd Stark was forced to kill his daughter Sansa's faithful direwolf Lady?


For many of us it was the moment we realised the hit HBO drama was in a different league to other fantasy dramas – the moment we realised that even a little girl's pet dog wasn't safe from George RR Martin's murderous pen. (Little did we know how many more human cast members would meet their bloody fate by the end of series one...)

But dry your tears, pet lovers. It turns out Lady's story wasn't entirely one of woe.

Sophie Turner, the actress who plays Sansa Stark, has only gone and adopted Lady in real life. Well, the dog who played her. She's actually called Zunni, but we'll stick with her GoT name for now...

"Growing up I always wanted a dog, but my parents never wanted one," Sophie told the Coventry Telegraph. "We kind of fell in love with my character’s direwolf, Lady, on set."

“We knew Lady died and they wanted to re home her. My mum persuaded them to let us adopt her.” Aww.

Remind yourself of the moment Ned Stark found the direwolves:


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