Name: Oona King (or, more properly, Baroness King of Bow)


Age: 45

Twitter: @Oona_King


Famous for: Politics

Bio: Famous for being the second ever black female MP elected to the House of Commons, Oona King served as the Labour Member for Bethnal Green and Bow from 1997 to 2005, when she was ousted by milk-lapping Respect MP George Galloway.

While in office, King called for an end to poverty and championed both international aid and human rights.

After losing her seat, King began a career in the media, appearing on everything from Loose Women to the BBC’s comedic moan-athon The Grumpy Guide.

She released her autobiography in 2007, was appointed head of diversity at Channel 4 in 2009 and entered the House of Lords in 2011.


Talking about her plan for Dancing on Ice, King said: “I have no strategy! I just want to try and stay upright, I plan to learn as much as I can. As a politician we have plans and strategies, but I can’t plan for this."

