Doctor Who 50th anniversary: three slightly different versions of Day of the Doctor poster revealed
Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt star in the new posters for the anniversary special

Three Doctors, three slightly different versions of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary poster...
Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt all feature in the new promos for The Day of the Doctor, the episode that will mark 50 years to the day since Doctor Who first hit TV screens on Saturday 23 November 1963.
Each poster features the same image – the Eleventh and Tenth Doctors back to back, while between them John Hurt's previously unknown incarnation of the Time Lord strides away from exploding Daleks, a collapsing Tardis and, intriguingly, the words Bad Wolf...
Two of the posters also confirm – no surprise here – that both companions Billie Piper and Jenna Coleman will be involved in the story.
See the three (slightly) different versions below (and click to enlarge).
There's this clean version...
...a landscape version, featuring the stars' names, including companions Billie Piper and Jenna Coleman, and the historic date on which the episode will air...
...and a portrait version with the same information.
The Day of the Doctor will be supported by a raft of 50th anniversary programmes as revealed by the BBC yesterday.