Armando Iannucci: Veep will continue without me
Satirist and Alan Partridge producer on eventually leaving his US Thick of It-inspired comedy, and a new series of Mid Morning Matters

Bad news Veep fans: series creator Armando Iannucci can see a day when he leaves the office next to the Oval Office behind. Speaking to, the British comedy legend spoke about eventually quitting the show.
“I mean I want Veep to carry on, but there will come a point when I want to move on to something else. I have got a film script that’s all ready to go, we wrote it last year, so I’m just waiting for the right moment to do the film. Not a Veep film, a completely different film.”
But could Veep continue without him?
“Oh yes, unless it doesn’t get commissioned or something. I mean, there’s a natural limit: if she’s Vice President, she can only be Vice President for so long, unless it’s like the Simpsons and they just don’t age. So I can see that carrying on, but everyone knows there’ll come a point when I will want to stop being away from home four months in a year.”
Armando is currently filming Veep in Britain, where the show is also written and edited, making Selina Meyer’s visit something of a homecoming. “She’s in London for the 100th anniversary of WW1, and she’s been sent by the president to represent the US. But she’s also running for president herself, so she’s trying to present herself as an international stateswoman.”
The satirist currently has several projects in the works, including another series of Mid Morning Matters with Alan Partridge to be produced next year. The Alan Partridge movie Alpha Papa has just been released on DVD.
But for fans, Veep’s trip to the UK suggests the tantalising possibility of a crossover with another Iannucci classic: The Thick of It. Will the VP be visiting DoSAC?
“No. I thought we’d leave that alone. She’s spending most of her time with the Deputy Prime Minister.”
Selina Meyer should feel comfortable with the Deputy PM. Of all the ocres, he’s the mediest.
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa is now available on DVD