There is an otter that goes by the name of Benedict or “Benny” (probably just to his pals) in the USA’s Tennessee Aquarium.


via @jenn4037

It’s not, as our morning news meeting ascertained, the name mummy and daddy otter is likely to have given him.

That was probably Brian or Oliver or something more ottery…

It was actually fans of the aquarium’s Facebook page who were asked to suggest names for their seven “feisty otters”.

There’s Delmar, Maya, Louie, Scout, Hunter, Digger and lovely Benny.

A spokesperson for the aquarium says naming the otter Benedict is a “tip of the hat” to Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch who has, alongside his many wonderful on-screen performances, found online fame in “internet posts comparing his face to otter faces”. “Guests may want to take pictures of Benny to see if his handsome face matches the actor’s facial features”. Indeed.

Otter Benny is described as having the “darkest coat of the romp [that's the name for a group of otters in case you were wondering]. Smaller than all others except Maya”. Well, we all know a good coat and a short friend is essential.


So, well, er… there’s an otter called Benedict in the USA. You may now continue with your day.
