Nick Grimshaw on Sweat The Small Stuff: How can it get any worse than watching porn with your mum?
As the BBC3 panel show returns for a fourth series, Grimmy, Rochelle Humes and Melvin O'Doom talk nightmareish pranks, awkwardness, dream guests and Joan Rivers

BBC3's comedy show Sweat the Small Stuff is back this week for a fourth series, with Radio 1's Nick Grimshaw, The Saturdays' Rochelle Humes and Kiss FM DJ Melvin O'Doom giving us their take on "daily, fickle obsessions" with the help of celebrity panelists. And there'll be a lot of very cringe-inducing pranks to contend with too...
What we except from the new series?
Melvin O'Doom: More stitch ups. I'm terrified.
Rochelle Humes: We felt bad when we stitched Melvin up last series by bringing in ten girls he’d been texting. I was like 'brilliant, yes!’ but he was sweating so much...
M: They cut that out, thank God. You don’t see me sweating as much.
R: I had to hand him a towel.
What's the most awkward challenge you've set?
M: Nothing beats watching porn with your mum. Not in a good way! Don’t use that as a headline. .
Nick Grimshaw: I don’t know how it can get worse than watching porn with your mum (one of the challenges in the last series).
M: But it will. I don’t trust anything that happens in my life anymore. The people who work on the show prank us not even for the show, just to annoy us.
Who have been your favourite guests ?
N: I really liked Rita Ora coming on. I like the guests if they seem like a proper pop star but they’re willing to take the piss out of themselves and we can take the piss out of them
M: David Haye. He didn’t know when the camera was on or off!
R: I had to try and reign him in and tell him he had to be quiet now.
Your worst ever guest?
N: Kelly Osbourne came on and she needed a wee when she was filming so we had to stop filming. So she went for a wee and when she was gone, the warm-up guy said to the crowd, 'when Kelly comes back, everyone be normal’ and then said to a guy in the audience, 'you just stand up and scream at her, "oi Kelly i want to give it to you!"’. When she got back, she was just like ‘what the f**k?’
Have you had any surprisingly strange guests?
M: Someone said they eat out of bins.
R: That was Mollie! (Rochelle's band mate from The Saturdays).
N: Now when I put food in the bin i think, ‘mollie would like that!’
People come on to the show and complain about what's annoying them, but how would your friends describe your annoying traits?
N: I'm quite anal about where I put things in my house and I think that gets on people nerves. When a big group of us went on holiday for two and a half weeks, everyone was calling me Rain Man.
R: People come over and have a drink and at the end of the night all of a sudden I sober up and I get the bin bag out and I put everything away. Everyone’s like, ‘oh the bin bags out, get your coats, she’s had enough' I can’t go to sleep thinking of the sticky floor.
If you could bring someone dead back to life for your show, who would it be?
R: Joan Rivers, she’s amazing. The girls (The Saturdays) and I went on Fashion Police and she was so good with us but I remember she went to me, “are you fat or are you pregnant?” I said, “pregnant” and she said "thank F**k!"
Sweat The Small Stuff returns this Wednesday at 10 pm on BBC3
Have a look below at the series 4 trailer for a sneak-peek at what the panelists are sweating about this series...