Which is your favourite Jacqueline Wilson book?
As Hetty Feather comes to CBBC, we reminisce about those thrilling tales of childhood angst, friendship and family that made playground politics much more bearable...

The CBBC adaptation of Jacqueline Wilson's 2009 book Hetty Feather starts on Monday, and hearing a small child on the bus excitedly tell her mum, "I am more excited about seeing Hetty on TV than I've ever been about anything," set RadioTimes.com's writers off on a nostalgic discussion about their favourite Wilson books.
Tracy Beaker, Bad Girls, Double Act were early favourites. Then when we were a little older, we obsessed over Girls in Love, Girls Under Pressure, Girls in Tears, and of course, the heart-wrenching Vicky Angel. We still haven't recovered from that one.
The very prolific Wilson published her 100th book this year, and when she told the audience at Cheltenham Literature Festival event that Hetty Feather would be a TV show, there were audible gasps of glee from the hundreds of children who had filled the town hall to see the author speak. "During the summer I went down to watch it being filmed and it's the weirdest, weirdest thing. It just made the hairs on my arms stand up because it was literally as if you were stepping into your own imaginary world."
Even if you're officially a little old to tune into Hetty Feather (and have a boss who won't take kindly to you watching telly at 4.30pm on a Monday), join in the excitement by voting for your favourite ever Jacqueline Wilson novel...