David Walliams has once again chosen a rather interesting Golden Buzzer choice, which all the other judges had tried to buzz off of the stage.


His choice? Lorraine Bowen. She's a piano teacher who sings her very own creation The Crumble Song, while playing her Casio organ, which for seemingly no reason at all is balanced on an ironing board.

But hey, Walliams is the nation's favourite TV judge (he's got the trophy to prove it) and the crowd did eventually get quite into the song about crumble.

"Everybody's good at cooking something, and I'm good at cooking crumble" among the lyrics.

Cowell LOVED it.

It got all jazzy in the middle as she did a "mash up" while wearing her DJ headphones.

David ensured the crowd were on their feet:

At one point it went all opera-esque...

And then WHAM-O it was Golden Buzzer time

Total excitement on stage...

...a slightly different mood back over with Cowell.

Lorraine now heads straight into the live semi-finals, which kick off later this month.

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Plus, watch the judges discuss the war between Cowell and Walliams following the latter's NTA win:
