Two magicians hijack Sky News bulletin, win the internet
Spare a thought for reporter Ashish Joshi who's perfectly oblivious to the spectacle taking place behind him

Ashish Joshi certainly isn't the first reporter to be photobombed by members of the public, but his recent Sky News bulletin from Westminster green is one of the funniest.
Standing outside the Houses of Parliament, presenting to camera on David Cameron's NHS reform plans, Joshi remained oblivious to the two magicians – known as Young and Strange – who gleefully bounced into shot behind him.
As Joshi spelled out the PM's struggles, the pair were engaged in altogether more serious matters – namely a whizz bang magic trick which they frantically completed before the cameras stopped rolling.
And – unsurprisingly – the internet was pretty happy about it.
Sky News is a magic station!
— Oren Gal (@oren_gal) July 24, 2015
[Update: Reporter Ashish Joshi has confirmed he was in on the joke. Disappointed doesn't even cover it.]
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