An epic dance-off between two of the Internet's favourite movers do you say? Don't mind if we do.


Tom Hiddleston and Chris Pratt have already displayed their respective booty-shaking brilliance, but we've never seen them dance together – until now.

Sadly, the pair haven't actually met for an ultimate Loki v Star Lord shakedown, but thanks to some editing sleight of hand we can at least imagine how it would pan out.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is due out on cinemas in 2017, and while Hiddleston's Thor character Loki won't be turning up there, who's to say there won't be an Avengers/Guardians confrontation in the not-too-distant future?


This Vine fantasy could yet become reality.

Read more: Tom Hiddleston and Hugh Laurie scale the Matterhorn for The Night Manager
