The world's greatest comedy extravaganza is currently in full swing, with hordes of jokesmiths currently entertaining crowds at the Edinburgh Fringe. But amongst all the acts, there are a few newcomers to the festival that we reckon are well worth checking out in their first shows...


Matt Winning

This guy moves in interesting company, having worked on The Bearpit Podcast, which is also up in Edinburgh this year but is not in fact a podcast. An environmental economist by training, his first solo hour contains “idiosyncratic nonsense”, he says modestly.

Opium, 8—17 and 19–29 August

James Hamilton

His name may be unfamiliar but fans of creative sketch comedy will know the face from the critically acclaimed shows of comedy troupe Casual Violence (see video), hailed online as “this generation’s Monty Python”. Now Hamilton is trying a solo show. As he created and was the main writer for the group, expect great — if slightly disturbing — things.

Voodoo Rooms, 8—16 and 18—30 August

Amy Howerska

Welsh comic and writer of promos for US television, Amy brings new depth of meaning to the description “kick-ass”. Her entire family is comprised of trained killers and extreme sports experts. She was raised in a drop zone where each day ended with a family comparison of head injuries. She can still laugh at it all.

Gilded Balloon, 5—16 and 18—30 August

Richard Soames

Another talented performer who has escaped from a critically acclaimed sketch troupe to brave the wild shores of solo comedy. Much loved as “the nice guy” in the Beta Males, Richard now publicly questions every nice thing he has ever done. And there are rumours of an offer of tea...

Underbelly, 5—18 and 20—31 August

George Egg

For over two decades George Egg has been melding comedy and cookery like oil and egg yolks to make a hilarious mayonnaise. And now he brings his comedy kitchen to the Fringe. Crazy? Definitely. Funny? Absolutely. And he will also make you realise quite how versatile your iron is.

Gilded Balloon, 5—16, 18—23 and 25—31 August

Stewart Francis

No newcomer to comedy fans, the punniest Canadian in comedy is actually doing his first full-length Edinburgh show. A guaranteed gigglefest, Stewart’s show title describes him perfectly — Pun Gent. Not to be sniffed at.


Assembly Rooms, 5—16 and 18—30 August
