Name: Mark Labbett


Nickname: The Beast (due to his last name: La Bete is French for “beast”)

From: Tiverton, Devon

Background: After leaving Oxford University with a degree in maths, Labbett became interested in quizzing when working at Butlins, where he supplemented his wages with his winnings on the quiz machines. He has appeared on a host of TV quiz shows, including Mastermind (twice), Countdown, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Only Connect, and University Challenge.

Interesting fact: Labbett previously taught maths and physical education during his spell as a teacher

Did you know? Labbett is also the chaser on the US version of the show

Strong spot: his special subjects on his two Mastermind appearances were the Olympics and The Simpsons


Weak spot: Labbett admitted he often gets Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler mixed up, claiming that to him “they look virtually identical”
