What happens when you hand a group of Doctor Who writers a pen and a piece of paper and tell them to write a story about the Time Lord with just one sentence for inspiration?


That's what the BBC powers that be set out to discover when they gathered together all the writers from Doctor Who series 9.

Steven Moffat, Sarah Dollard, Mark Gatiss and co were handed a clipboard and a pen, and asked to create one great big Doctor Who tale together.

The catch was, the person with the clipboard would only be able to see the last sentence, written by the writer before them.

The results? Well, they were... a bit bizarre. Then again, what do expect from the most respected sci-fi writers in space and time?

The good news is, the story isn't finished: viewers right now are carrying on the game, one comment at a time, on the Doctor Who Facebook page.


Dare you join them in creating a tale that's as old as timey wimey?
