This Hannibal auction is full of disgustingly grim props from the show
From Mads Mikkelsen's vinyl kill suit to Mushroom Man veneers, it's a Fannibal's delight...

Published: Wednesday, 23 March 2016 at 11:30 am
Fans of Hannibal feel the show was killed too soon after three gloriously dark seasons — but the cult show's legacy will live on... in Fannibals' homes.
From 4th to 8th April, gore-loving humans can bid in an online auction of props and costumes from the series. Here are just a few of our favourites...
Will Graham’s (Hugh Dancy) nightmarish hallucination of Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen)...

Hannibal's vinyl kill suit donned so elegantly by Mads Mikkelsen

Remember in season one when partially decomposed bodies were found, killed by a mushroom-obsessed serial killer? These are veneers from one of the victims who was just about still alive...

One of the stage knives used during season two’s blood-soaked finale...

On season one, Abigail Hobbs finds human hair stuffed inside this pillow... (sorry, there isn't actually human hair inside this one but you can imagine that there is)

Sweet dreams.
And there are over 1000 more grim Hannibal mementos here at Prop Store to browse and bid on.