Sunday nights haven't been the same since BBC drama The Night Manager ended, but actor Tom Hiddleston isn’t completely ruling out more in the future.


“The truth is we came to the end of the adaptation and there is no more night to be managed thus far,” the actor rather poetically told Graham Norton, having earned high praise for his turn as hotel worker/super spy Jonathan Pine earlier this year.

Fellow star Hugh Laurie, who played the dastardly Richard Roper in the drama, has said the same in recent weeks: “It’s based on a novel, we’ve got to the end of the novel and John Le Carré has yet to write another novel, so in cold practical terms, no, we’re done.”

However, Hiddleston hasn’t completely poured cold water on the whole thing. “It’s in the lap of Le Carré himself,” he said, teasing: “But you never know.”

Hiddleston’s spy antics have led to wider speculation about his next move, namely that he’ll be stepping into the role of 007 after Daniel Craig exits. But Hiddleston brushed this off.

“What can I tell you? The thing is the position isn’t vacant as far as I am aware. No one has talked to me about it. I think the rumours have all come about because in The Night Manager I play a spy and people have made the link.”

Yes, yes we have Mr Hiddleston. You take your Martini shaken, right?


Watch Tom Hiddleston on The Graham Norton Show tonight at 10:40pm on BBC1
