Donald Trump last week congratulated Scotland on their exit from the European Union – despite the fact that every single region of Scotland had voted in favour of Remain in the UK referendum on membership of the EU.


Twitter responded as it often does, throwing plenty of insults in Trump's direction – a trend that didn't go unnoticed by comedian Samantha Bee who did a post-Brexit takedown during her US talk show Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.

In order to fully illustrate Scotland's reaction, she enlisted one of the country's most famous exports – David Tennant – to read out a series of insults. We think you'll agree he does so in fine style from around 5 mins 20 seconds onwards...

Make sure you watch to the end for a crafty Doctor Who reference.


But before you click play, a word of warning: strong language lies ahead.


Susanna LazarusAssociate Editor,