Want to phone David Brent? Now you can.


Yes, as Ricky Gervais's dedication to bringing Brent to the big screen continues (he's already written it, directed it, starred in it, written, performed and released music for it...) he's now set up a fake phone number to catch Brent on the old mobile phone.

Because who doesn't want Brent on speed dial 1?

The number is for Lavichem, the cleaning company Brent is working for while trying to break into the music business.

His mailbox is full, so you can't leave a message (or masssssaggeee) as he says, but you can hear what it's like to leave a message (sorry, masssssaaggee) for Brent who wants you to leave your name and number because, like, obviously he wouldn't be able to call you back otherwise...

Note that there's even the international +44 code, 'coz Brent's the kinda guy who could be just about anywhere, right? Yeah, so he might be on the M4 or whatever, but he might not be tomorrow. The world is his oyster.

Give it a whirl and dial the number below to hear it for yourself while Gervais gives himself a pat on the back for another excellent bit of marketing.


David Brent: Life on the Road is in UK and Irish cinemas from 19th August
