Thrones on the throne: Emilia Clarke celebrates her Emmy nom by posing in a portable toilet
Like only a Khaleesi could...

Trust Emilia Clarke to celebrate her Emmy nomination in a way no other Hollywood actress would. The goofy 29-year-old, who found out she was up for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series yesterday, was quick to share a picture on Instagram.
But it wasn't of Clarke dreamily looking out to sea or posing up a storm on a red carpet. No. It was a snap of her in a portable toilet. Because why not, eh?
"Yes that's me in costume standing by a teeny tiny porta potty in a field somewhere in Spain questioning if it could withstand allll.dis.dragon mamma," she wrote in the picture's caption.
Clarke also posted images of her Game of Thrones colleagues Lena Headey and Maisie Williams, who have both been nominated for supporting actress too.
"NOMMY EMINATIONS! Oh no wait.... I mean EMMY NOMINATIONS!!! Now THIS is what I call the definition of GIRL.POWER! So honoured to be with my QWEENS! ???," she wrote, adding the hashtags: "#ifiwasabettinggalidsayusladiesstandagoodchancewiththe3outta5...;) #gameofthroneswesalutethankpraiseyou."
Long live Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.