5 reasons to hate Oz on EastEnders
Leave Lee Carter alone!

Is there a more loathsome figure on EastEnders at the moment than uber confident sales king Osman 'Oz' Bolat? Slick call centre alpha male Oz is currently enjoying making Lee Carter's life a misery and shows no sign of cutting him any slack just yet. OK, so Oz may be just trying to get ahead in life, but must he be so needlessly cruel in his bid to stay on top? All credit to actor Noah Maxwell-Clarke for making his character so conceited and complacent, but...urgh...we really can't stand the boastful Oz - and here's why:
1. He makes a gun sign with his fingers. All the time
Oz really enjoys sealing his sales deals by turning into his fingers into the shape of a gun and pretending to fire shots into his phone. Seeing as he's the top salesman, he must be doing it all day long. Oz, you're not a gangster. You're trying to get people to change their energy supplier.

2. He uses the term "smash it"
He disrespected Whitney by telling Lee he'd like to "smash it". He then scrawled the words on Lee's leather briefcase and said it was "smashing" to meet Whitney when they came face to face. It's a wonder Lee hasn't wrapped that headset chord around Oz's throat.

3. He lies to his customers
Oz will do anything to remain top dog in the office - and even fibs about his own mother to gain "trust" with his clients. Proud of yourself, Oz? Well, yes, it seems you are, judging by that self-satisfied wink. What a winker.

4. He calls Lee "Mr Bean"
Lee can really do without people messing with his mental health at the moment. But bully boy Oz shows no qualms about seizing on Lee's weaknesses and exploiting them to the full. And it seems that Lee can't even go to his line manager to complain because that petty despot is just as bad.

5. He's smug - 24 hours a day
How do you sleep at night, Oz? Just how?

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