It’s less than a fortnight until Doctor Who returns (and less than a week until Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie talk series 10 at the Radio Times Television Festival) so there’s never been a better time to speculate about what’s to come in series 10.


It’s been too long since we last went on a full series of adventures in space and time, so Radio Times went behind the scenes at the BBC’s Cardiff studios to get a few visual clues about the Doctor and Bill’s adventures.

Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie and Steven Moffat are all set to appear at the Radio Times Television Festival from April 7th to 9th

How many of these mysterious clues can you solve? Click onto page two for our guesses...


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Clue 1: Dynamite and a big red presidential button.

Clue 2: A forbidden number.

Clue 3: A copy of Northanger Abbey - is Bill an Austen fan?

Clue 4: A masterful example of a milliner’s craft.

Clue 5: Just the right helmet for an airtight situation.

Clue 6: A bill of fare...or should that be fair?

Clue 7: The perfect thing for tuning into special vibrations.

Clue 8: Retro weaponry for a disco era returning foe.

Clue 9: A snoozing emoji, but is there anything to smile about?

Clue 10: Steampunk chic or bygone tech?

Clue 11: Roman artefacts or something more?

Clue 12: The shape of surroundings.

Clue 13: Bonus clue! Set a course...

We’ve done some sleuthing ourselves – here’s what we think the clues might hint at. Leave your own theories in the comments below.

See the full exclusive behind the scenes sneak peek in the latest edition of Radio Times, available in shops and online from Tuesday April 4th.


Page 2: our guesses
