Peter Capaldi tries to avoid using the words ‘he’ or ‘she’ about the new Doctor
"That person is the luckiest acting human being on the planet..."

Does Peter Capaldi know something we don’t? Well, almost certainly. But does he know who his Doctor Who replacement is going to be? Does he at least know whether it will be a man or a woman?
One thing's for sure, when he was asked this weekend about who could step into the Tardis when he departs at the end of the year, Capaldi was at great pains not to specify whether it would be a he or a she – much to the amusement of an audience at the BFI & Radio Times Television Festival.
"I think that person is the luckiest… the luckiest acting human being on the planet," teased Capaldi. "They’re going to have a wonderful time and I’m sure they’ll be fabulous, whoever… they are."
They don't call him Doctor Mysterio for nothing...