Russell T Davies has returned to the Whoniverse – in book form.


The former executive producer has illustrated a collection of poems about Doctor Who called Now We Are Six Hundred, written by James Goss.

Goss has previously penned several Torchwood and Doctor Who novels and companion books.

Speaking about the collaboration, Davies said: “I’ve been drawing for Doctor Who long before I was writing it, so it was like time-travel for me, voyaging back to that young scribbler who used to cover his school desk with Daleks!”


Meanwhile, Goss added: “BBC Books have carefully baited an irresistible trap to lure people into reading poetry.

“Russell's beautiful illustrations make this the most charming Doctor Who book there's ever been (and I'm including that magical first Doctor Who book you discovered as a child).


“The poems have been a delight to work on. Who could resist retelling the fiendish Daleks’ Masterplan in verse, or finding bizarre and ludicrous rhymes for monster names?”
