BBC reveals details of new five-part Philomena Cunk series Cunk on Britain
The comedy character is part of a line-up of new satire shows announced by the BBC

Philomena Cunk will present a new five-part comedy series on BBC2 spoofing the history of Britain.
As revealed earlier this month, the BBC was keen to bring Diane Morgan’s clueless presenter character back for more episodes; today it announced the new BBC2 series will be called Cunk On Britain.
Promising to “exploring the rich, historical journey that’s led our great country to 2017’s Brexit Britain,” the series will give Cunk an opportunity to share her uniquely original overview of the nation’s past.
“From the oldest era imaginable, Cunk’s insightful analysis of events and popular culture will tell the story of Britain’s battles, Medieval monarchs and the expansion of the Empire, right up through Thatcher, Britpop, the discovery of Nick Clegg and the invention of Brexit," said the BBC in a statement.
“She’ll be asking probing questions such as: were dinosaurs the first people to discover Britain? When did Britain get officially ‘Great’? Where did Robin Hood buy his tights or was that bit just made up? The ultimate guide to our country's past: Cunk On Britain. The rest is history.”
Philomena herself said: "In 2017, Britain stands at a fork in its crossroads, so what better way to find out where we might be heading than looking behind us, into history (which apparently is a sort of 'rear view mirror’ for time).
"I’ll be travelling the length and width of the country talking to experts and standing in front of old buildings saying things into the camera, as I try to discover what made Ancient Britain the Modern Britain it is today."
The announcement was part of a slew of commissions for new BBC satire shows including a 2017 Wipe in which Charlie Brooker will take another traditional end-of-year look at the events of the previous twelve months.
Comedian Luisa Omielan has also secured her first BBC3 series; the four-parter Politics For Bitches is described as a “sexy Question Time, part documentary and part comedy gig”, in which the comedian will tackle a different political topic each week.
Other shows include the new Frankie Boyle series Frankie Boyle’s New World Order and a half-hour pilot from Tracey Ullman in which she focuses on her political caricatures.
Airing on BBC1 soon after the election, Tracey Breaks the News will feature the return of series favourites Angela Merkel and Nicola Sturgeon and will also see her tackling Theresa May for the first time.