David Dimbleby's bedtime alarm went off during Question Time
Hosting Question Time keeps political heavyweight David Dimbleby up way past his bedtime

It seems David Dimbleby is still catching up on his beauty sleep after the general election. The BBC's political heavyweight stayed up through the night on 8th June – but now we know his phone alarm is set for "bedtime" at around 9pm.
Dimbleby, 78, was hosting Thursday's episode of Question Time and listening to columnist Susie Boniface when the show was interrupted by two digital alerts. Shockingly they came from the Question Time host's phone.
While Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg giggled, Boniface broke off from talking about Brexit to joke: "It's time for bed."
But as he turned off his alarm, a sheepish Dimbleby admitted: "This is my stopwatch saying it's bedtime."
Thankfully he continued with the show rather than changing into his pyjamas and slippers and shuffling off to bed.
While the BBC politics show airs at 10.45pm, it is actually pre-recorded at 8.30pm. Given the time lag, it looks like Dimbleby likes to go to sleep at the very sensible time of 9.10pm.
It's a good thing that's the last show before the summer break...
Question Time will return on 14th September