The first hints are being dropped for the second season of cowboy sci-fi series Westworld, with the smash-hit HBO drama’s interactive website revealing some very creepy clues to users clever enough to find them.


The new opening screen for in-universe website Discover Westworld (see gif below) starts with an unknown user desperately calling out for help, presumably reacting to the shocking end of the first series when the pliant cowboy robots (or “hosts”) finally rebelled and began attacking human guests.

However, the pleas are quickly overridden by a registered user (presumably a now-conscious host) who claims that all is well and “Celebrations continue,” while a new programme loads called Journey Into Night.


Now, it had long been rumoured that Journey Into Night would be the title for the first episode of the new series, and its inclusion here seems to implicitly suggest that the speculation was correct – but that’s not all we can learn from this very creepy teaser.

The interaction seems to suggest that the new series will see the surviving humans trapped in Westworld evading the vengeful hosts and trying to survive, and it could be that the “unknown user” in question is actually a character from the series – programmer Elsie Hughes (Shannon Woodward) who went missing last series and who dedicated fans found still alive in a video buried on the Discover Westworld website.

Still, whatever the truth fans still have a long time to find out, with the series not set to return until 2018. And it could be that all this speculation is for nought – after all, it doesn’t look like anything to me.


Westworld will return to TV in 2018


Huw FullertonCommissioning Editor

Huw Fullerton is a Commissioning Editor for Radio Times magazine, covering Entertainment, Comedy and Specialist Drama.
