Watch Peter Capaldi pay tribute to Steven Moffat and his Doctor Who co-stars in epic Comic Con speech
The outgoing Time Lord praised fellow panelists Pearl Mackie, Michelle Gomez, Matt Lucas and Mark Gatiss

As the Doctor Who Christmas special hurtles closer, many of the pre-emptive farewells have been directed at outgoing Time Lord Peter Capaldi. However, showrunner Steven Moffat, companion Pearl Mackie, 'Missy' Michelle Gomez and possibly Matt Lucas and Mark Gatiss are also all exiting the Tardis. And it’s clear Capaldi will miss them as much as we will.
After receiving a standing ovation at the San Diego Comic Con, the departing Doctor went on to deliver an emotional speech praising his co-stars, who appeared alongside him on the panel. Firstly, he turned to Moffat, who has been head writer on the show since 2010: “He’s an incredibly gifted artist. The message of kindness comes from his heart.”
Capaldi went on to applaud Moffat’s influence in the casting of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor: “The creation of a female Doctor comes really from the creation of a female Master, played so beautifully by Michelle [Gomez, also present on the panel], who has delivered a multi-layered, sinister and fabulous performance, for which I’m deeply grateful.”
Then it was time for a tribute to Mackie: “Pearl has been an absolutely magnificent new contribution to the show. She’s stepped into this juggernaut that we have and brought us a real living character in Bill Potts, who has her feet on the ground and heart in the stars. Which is where we all want to be, right?”
Next, Capaldi turned to Lucas, who played Nardole in series 10: “Matt has come along and delivered a creation, a brand new thing: an alien being who is a sidekick who’s a little bit scary, a little bit funny and one that's made a huge contribution to the show.
“He’s come into it with a huge generosity of spirit and kindness. This is a man who’s immensely famous, immensely talented and he stepped up to the plate in our show with humility and grace and made season 10 one of the most special seasons ever.”
Finally, Capaldi addressed Doctor Who writer and actor Mark Gatiss, who will appear in the Christmas special: “He’s a great friend, a great lover and supporter of Doctor Who.
“I know that sounds a bit odd that Doctor Who needs lovers and supporters, but this show hasn’t always enjoyed the success that it enjoys at the moment. It’s not always been the most popular show to hang your coat on. Mark has always been there for the show. He’s written the most fabulous episodes. I’m so thrilled that he was able to appear in the show and I was able to act with him.”
We already knew it from The Zygon Inversion, but boy, that Time Lord can deliver a speech.
Doctor Who will return this Christmas