BBC3 confirms Doctor Who spin-off Class has been axed after one series
“The show didn’t really land for us” admits BBC3 controller Damian Kavanagh

The BBC has officially confirmed that its Doctor Who spin off Class will not be returning for another series.
The drama, written by Young Adult author Patrick Ness, attracted lukewarm reviews when it was shown on BBC3 and in a late night slot on BBC1. Ness has already said he wasn’t writing any more episodes.
However the show had not formally been decommissioned – until today that is, when hopes that the series could continue were finally dashed by BBC3 controller Damian Kavanagh.
Asked by whether it would be coming back, Kavanagh said, “No, no."
"There was nothing wrong with it," he added. "I thought Patrick did a great job, he explored an amazing world. In honesty it didn’t really land for us on BBC3; some shows don’t and I have to make decisions about what we’re going to do from a drama point of view, and what we did after Class was Clique which worked really well for us."
The drama centred around Coal Hill School, the modern-day incarnation of the educational establishment which featured in the first episode of Doctor Who, and which has been a location in a number of subsequent stories.
Peter Capaldi’s Doctor appeared in episode one of the show to explain to the classmates their important role in protecting Earth due to a tear in the universe located at the school.
The main characters included Ram, April (Sophie Hopkins), Tanya (Vivian Oparah) Charlie (Greg Austin) and alien teacher Miss Quill (Katherine Kelly).