If there's one TV show that's guaranteed to give you a good scare from time to time it's Doctor Who.


Throughout decades (and millennia) in space and time, the beloved BBC series has provided us with plenty of scares as The Doctor faced all manner of villains - from demons to Daleks, Clockwork Droids to Cybermen and a fair few tricky Time Lords and Ladies too - but which episodes stand out for you as the most terrifying?

We asked you to submit your nominations for the spookiest episodes or adventures in the comments beneath this Facebook post and now we want you to whittle the nominees down to a Wholloween shortlist by voting for your favourite adventure.

You can only vote once, so choose wisely! The adventures with the most votes will feature on our Wholloween Watch List - along with a selection of your best reasons for nominating them.


Good luck and happy voting!
