BBC1's new medical drama Trust Me started on Tuesday night, starring Jodie Whittaker as a nurse who steals a friend's identity and poses as a doctor – and the majority of viewers loved it.


They loved how tense it was...

They loved Jodie Whittaker...

And they loved the new Doctor Who pretending to be a doctor...

But one thing they didn't love was all the lens flare...

To clarify, lens flare is that effect where streaks or circles of light flare up on the screen. It was originally caused by accident, thanks to tiny impurities in the camera lens but has since been adopted by certain filmmakers as a way of adding gravitas and mystery to a shot – especially in sci-fi and especially by a certain JJ Abrams, who has even apologised in the past for his excessive use of the technique...

Lens Flare #TrustMe

— John B (@JohnBradyUK) August 8, 2017

But based on viewers' reactions, even the Star Trek director might have balked at this...


Trust Me continues on BBC1 next Tuesday at 9pm. Bring your sunglasses...


Paul Jones,
Paul JonesExecutive Editor,