Lee Ingleby and Hermione Norris are to star in new ITV drama Innocent. The four-part series, written by Chris Lang (Unforgotten) and Matt Arlidge (Silent Witness), revolves around the life of David Coller (Ingleby), an ordinary family man sent to jail for seven years after allegedly killing his wife, Tara.


David has always maintained he had nothing to do with his spouse’s murder, and the only person who seems to believe him is his brother Phil (Daniel Ryan). While Phil has endlessly campaigned for his innocence, David is still detested by Tara’s family, particularly her childless sister Alice (Hermione Norris).

She, together with her husband Rob (Adrian Rowlins), became guardians to David’s kids and the pair now enjoy a far more comfortable lifestyle than they did when Tara was alive, raising their young family with David’s estate money.

As David and Phil campaign for his release, Chief Inspector William Bleech (Nigel Lindsay) has a lot to lose should the conviction be overturned. If David is acquitted, Detective Cathy Hudson (Angel Coulby) is in line to replace the chief inspector – but no one knows she and Bleech are in a secret relationship.

When David is released on a technicality, a cloud of suspicion still hangs over his head. How is he going to rebuild the life he has lost? Who should he trust? How will he manage his complex web of relationships? And the question stands: is he truly innocent?

The series will be produced by TXTV and directed by Richard Clark (Doctor Who, The Musketeers), with filming set to begin in this month.


This article was originally published in 2016
