Nearly 20 years ago, The Simpsons saw the future and predicted Disney’s takeover of Fox.


In the episode When You Dish Upon A Star, from November 1998, a sign is shown outside a building, saying: “20th Century Fox, a Division of Walt Disney Co.”

This ownership became a reality on Thursday when Walt Disney bought a huge chunk of 21st Century Fox for $52.4 billion (£39bn).

Many have pointed out that this is far from the first time The Simpsons has seen into the future.

Not only did they foresee Trump taking office in the White House, but the show also predicted the FIFA scandal and Greece’s financial crisis…


And it doesn’t end there – The Simpsons also foretold the horse meat scandal, people (aka Homer Simpson and Miley Cyrus) swinging on wrecking balls and the three-eyed fish.


Ellie HarrisonWriter,