Macaulay Culkin found himself booed off stage this weekend while performing with his band The Pizza Underground in Nottingham, reports the BBC.


Culkin, perhaps best-known for playing Kevin McCallister in Christmas classic Home Alone, joined the band in 2012. They perform parody songs in which they give well-known Velvet Underground tracks a pizza makeover.

Take a Bite of the Wild Slice - instead of Walk on the Wild Side - and All The Pizza Parties in place of All Tomorrow's Parties, that kind of thing.

There's also some kazoo solos and the band is said to hand out pizza to the crowd.

But while the band being booed off may be news to you, so may the fact that Culkin is actually in a band.

And he's not the only actor to have shown off his musical talents. Check out these fellow groovers...

Ryan Gosling - Dead Man's Bones

Rylan Gosling a rock god? You better believe it. He's even got a really rock god name: Baby Goose. Well, sort of. Anyway, Gosling, with band mate Zach Shields, released a self-titled album in 2009 going on to tour and produce various music videos to go with the tracks. They even have special rules when recording, including not allowing any more than three takes per track. See them in action:

Jada Pinkett Smith - Wicked Wisdom

Leave all the singing to Will, Willow and Jaden? No way, no how. Jada aka "Jada Koren" formed her own nu metal band in 2002. She performs lead vocals. Naturally, it's her band. They've popped up in one of Britney's tours and released a new song last year entitled Stuck.

Bruce Willis and the Accelerators

Yes, he may have been busy over the years with all of those Die Hard movies, but that doesn't mean Mr Willis didn't have any time to work on his music. Bruce had success as a solo artist, with Under the Boardwalk reaching number 2 in the UK charts in 1987. He also performs with the band Bruce Willis and the Accelerators, famously performing to troops in Iraq in 2003. See Bruce in action:

Keanu Reeves - Dogstar

Star of The Matrix Keanu Reeves has actually performed at Glastonbury as bassist for alternative rock group Dogstar. They apparently also discussed the name Small Fecal Matter...

They released a couple of albums and toured around, but folded in 2002 after other work commitments got in the way. Luckily, YouTube lets them live on...

Russell Crowe - 30 Odd Foot of Grunts

Of course Les Mis wasn't the first time Crowe got those vocal cords working. He had a music career in the 80s. A few songs were released, including Other Ways of Speaking, before the band dissolved in 2005. It was reformed into The Ordinary Fear of God with some of the original band members. The band even got parodied, which is a sign of greatness, right? Here they are:

Jared Leto - 30 Seconds to Mars

Not just part of the band, actor Jared Leto (who this year won best supporting actor at the Oscars) took on lead vocals, guitar, bass and keyboard in rock band 30 Seconds to Mars. This was serious, too. Their second album, A Beautiful Lie, went platinum in the US.

Kevin Costner

Of course Kevin Costner is in a band and of course in this clip they're going to sing a song they've never actually performed to a live audience before. There's nothing Kevin Costner can't do. Two Oscars, a band, does his own horse riding in films when the need arises...

Dennis Quaid and the Sharks

It takes a while before the singing kicks in. But it's worth it. So worth it. Not only does Quaid act and sing, he's also a top golfer (five-handicap, apparently) and has a pilot's license.

Jamie Oliver - Scarlet Division

Yes, that's celebrity chef Jamie Oliver on the drums (OK, he's not an actor... but he's made it into this list anyway). Is this where some sort of joke about drums to drumsticks should be made? No? No. The band came together in 1989 while Oliver was at school.

Woody Allen and The Eddy Davis New Orleans Jazz Band

Monday night's at the Cafe Carlyle in New York play host to Woody Allen and The Eddy Davis New Orleans Jazz Band. Currently down to run until June 16, it seems the actor, director, screenwriter, comedian (... we could go on) has many a string to his bow.

Steve Martin and The Steep Canyon Rangers


Of course actor Steve Martin sings with a banjo. And of course he tells a few funnies before he gets going. Comedy, singing, a cool white suit... what more could we possibly need? In 2013 their album even won a Grammy for best bluegrass album (bluegrass being a sub genre of country music). See Martin in action here:
