
No mere mortal can resist...

These prisoners in the Philippines went viral back when going viral meant something. To date, they've racked up over 59 million views, but the routine is controversial.

What improves every wedding? A surprise zombie outbreak, of course. It's impressive choreography, and 50% of all weddings now end in a similar flashmob, but how could anyone think of marriage after that twist ending in the original video?

Thriller is recognised all over the world, enough that 1985 Indian film Donga featured an extremely long parody. We think it's quite catchy.

True, Thriller only features for a few seconds (beginning at 1.51) but Judson Laipply's dancing history places the song in its proper context. Respect is due.

...and still the best. Jackson and Temperton may be gone, Thriller will never, ever die.


Appropriate, really.
