In the current climate, it's understandable that Contagion became one of the most-watched films at the weekend with search for the Gwyneth Paltrow offering reaching peak.


Now people have started to look for other virus themed films, Outbreak is one such film. The 1995 film has now entered Netflix's top 10 in the US, but it's not available on the UK version of the streaming platform.

Where to watch Outbreak online?

Luckily, Amazon Prime has Outbreak ready to stream. It's also available to buy or rent on iTunes. Outbreak is also currently in the Sky Store.

What is Outbreak about?

Army doctors struggle to find a cure for a deadly virus, Motaba, in the 1995 film Outbreak. The virus was brought to America by an African monkey and strikes a California town. The film was a box office success winning Kevin Spacey two awards for his performance.

An outbreak of real-life virus Ebola had struck Zaire when the film was released in cinemas.


Who stars in Outbreak?

The medical disaster film was directed by Wolfgang Petersen and stars Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo and Morgan Freeman. Kevin Spacey and Cuba Gooding Jnr also star.


Jo-Anne RowneyAudience Growth and Engagement Manager,