Alanis Morissette announced dates and venues for her upcoming tour with tickets now on sale.


The singer is set to take to the road to mark the 25th anniversary of Jagged Little Pill.

Morissette will perform hits from the album including the title track, Ironic, You Oughta Know and All I Really Want in an acoustic set.

The album top charts globally at the time and is said to have inspired the next generations of songwriters including Taylor Swift and Katy Perry and has even been turned into a musical that made its Broadway debut in New York City last year.

Buy tickets to Alanis Morissette's tour here

How to get tickets to Alanis Morissette's tour

Tickets are already on sale at ticketmaster.


Alanis Morissette UK tour dates


Jo-Anne RowneyAudience Growth and Engagement Manager,