Benedict Cumberbatch is set to play Senator William ”Billy” Bulger, brother of Johnny Depp’s Whitey Bulger, in the movie about the mob boss, entitled Black Mass.


Cumberbatch and Depp in the same movie sounds very exciting. Cumberbatch as a politician claiming ignorance to his brother's criminal interests, Depp heading up a gang and informing on his rivals to the FBI.

But hold on. Brothers? Sounds a bit fanciful, doesn't it? Sure they're both good looking men, successful actors, part of big franchises... but alike enough to be siblings? Well, actually, upon much Googling (also an excuse to look at pictures of the two actors all morning) they're more alike than perhaps one might first think...

Pout? Sorted.

Wide-opened mouth yelling? Tick.

Own the throne? Done and done

Experience with handcuffs = achieved

Leaping off of a building? But of course...

Sleepwear in a public place is no bother for these guys

Work that bob hair 'do fellas

Ability to puff smoke - done.

Work with anyone, including puppets? Ta-dah!

And of course, nail a hand-on-face thinking pose...


We rest our case. For now.
