Think of seeing A Quiet Place at the cinema? Leave your snacks at the door. The film, starring John Krasinski and Emily Blunt, revolves around a series of monsters that hunt sound, whether the crack of a branch, the crunch of leaves – or the rustle of popcorn.


And fear of these creatures has made cinema-goers too afraid to touch their snacks during screenings…

And even if you’re not bothered about the sound, people around you definitely will be…

But you might have to eat something if you’re close to an empty stomach…

And it’s going to take a lot of effort to chow down quietly, if so…

…you’ll have to judge just the correct time to chomp…

…or breathe...

And the fear doesn’t stop after the film…

Consider yourself warned. Now, good luck clicking away from this article silently.


A Quiet Place is in cinemas now
