RIP 007. Roger Moore's career spanned an incredible seven decades but he's quite rightly known for one role above the rest: Bond, James Bond.


When Moore took over as 007 he knew he had to reinvent the character and, along with a new level of suavité, he wasn't afraid to bring a touch of good old British cheddar to Bond.

So in celebration of the spy who we loved, here are five of Roger Moore's many great moments as 007...

"But James, I need you." "So does England."

Moore may not do the stunts here, but anyone can parachute off a mountain – no-one else could have delivered that line in quite that way...

"It's time we said goodbye to an uninvited guest"

Yes, the underwater car is very cool but not as cool as Moore's well-oiled one-liner...

"Women drivers!"

True, Bond wasn't always known for his enlightened attitude to the opposite sex but could anyone but Moore have remained so suave in such trying conditions?

Bond vs Jaws... on a train

Just to prove that it wasn't always about that deadpan delivery, here's Moore getting physical (not like that) and demonstrating that he can keep us on the edge of our seats without uttering a word...

"I think he's attempting re-entry"


Moore keeps his cool while piloting a space shuttle and shooting down an enemy missile, before being overtaken by the gravity of the situation...


Paul Jones,
Paul JonesExecutive Editor,