A Quidditch Premier League is launching in the UK
Hold on to your broomsticks – it's about to get REAL!

You may have heard about the real life Quidditch World Cup but did you know that there's a Quidditch Premier League launching in the UK today?
Eight teams from far corners of the United Kingdom will come together to form a new tournament that celebrates the best Chasers, Beaters, Seekers, and Keepers the nation has to offer. And there'll be spots on those teams available to any player in the UK.
For those who don't know much about the sport - originally created by JK Rowling for her Harry Potter novel series and developed for real-life play - here are the Muggle basics.
A quidditch team consists of 21 athletes with 7 players per team on the field at any one time. Each player has a broom between their legs. The four maximum rule of quidditch states that at most there can be four players of the same gender on pitch at one time. This ensures that the game is mixed gender and inclusive to all.
It's really caught on among non-magical folk with 20,000 competing international players, 25 competing countries, and an international rulebook.
"The Quidditch Premier League is such an exciting opportunity and development," director Jack Lennard said. "It’s an opportunity for the sport to grow and gain prestige on a greater level nationally and internationally than ever before. It’s an opportunity for players to compete at the highest level. And, most importantly, it’s an opportunity for more people in more places to find out about this incredible sport. I can’t wait to see where the QPL can take the sport in the UK".
So, how will the league work? Well, the eight teams will represent eight regions of England and be named in reference to an element of the local culture. Teams includes: The London Monarchs, Southwest Broadside, Southeast Knights, Eastern Mermaids, Northern Watch, Yorkshire Roses, East Midland Archers, and the West Midland Shredders.
"They are divided into two four-team conferences, North and South. Each team has its own history behind its name, and we look forward to seeing which of the teams dominate the playing field" Brand Manager Tom Newton said. Each have been allocated to a region of England, with room for expansion following its first year.
Think you've got what it takes to make QPL history? Then you'd best get your broomstick ready and get set for a magical season.
Find out how to get involved over on the official Quidditch Premiere League website.