Ben Stiller's "Eggplant Emoji" movie is heading for Netflix
The Eggplant Emoji is about... uh... well...

We all know what the eggplant emoji stands for, and if you don't, you should probably just google it. (Clue: it's a penis.)
Now that phallic plant has inspired a movie tentatively titled "The Eggplant Emoji". It's still in the early stages, but Netflix has snapped up a spec script from Ben Stiller and his production company.
“The plot is anything if not fully formed: When a teenager accidentally cuts off his penis during a camping trip, he and his friends rush to save the appendage before it’s too late,” says The Hollywood Reporter.
“The intent is to make a comedy in the vein of Superbad, something that focused on friendship but throbbed with insane situations and R-rated language.”
Could this be in a similar vein to Seth Rogen’s crude animation, Sausage Party? The script itself is by Kevin Burrows and Matt Mider, the creators of digital series Gentlemen Lobsters.
The streaming giant reportedly won a bidding war against five other companies, who were all desperate to buy the rights to the project.
Suggested sequel: The Peach Emoji. You can have that one for free.