Always wanted to go to wizarding school but never had that all-important Hogwarts letter? Never fear, a new British school of magic is here, and you can attend.


Between August 11th and 13th 2017, Hestmonceux Castle in East Sussex will be transformed into the Bothwell School of Witchcraft, where students over the age of 18 can take part in all manner of magical activities.

The pupils will be sorted into School Houses (not Slytherin, not Slytherin – they probably don’t have the rights to call any house Slytherin in fairness), take part in lessons, compete with rival houses in wizarding games and celebrate in style at a big school banquet.


They’ll get the full wizard school experience too, staying in the 15th century castle and eating all their meals there too.

It’ll be a full-on immersive experience, a bit like a murder mystery weekend, with pupils encouraged to really get into character and make things as magical as possible.

You’ll have to have a few gold galleons saved up if you want to go though. The standard tickets will be range from £400-£450 including 2 nights accommodation at Herstmonceux and all of your meals.

Tickets will be sold via a Kickstarter campaign that’s due to launch on March 28th, with further details of activities to be released closer to the time.


For more information check out the Bothwell School of Witchcraft's official website.
