The first trailer has arrived for Bombshell, a new film which explores the events surrounding the 2016 resignation of Fox News chairman Roger Ailes after sexual harassment allegations were levelled against him.


The clip gives us our first glimpse at the film's three stars, Margot Robbie, Charlize Theron and Nicole Kidman. While Robbie's character Kayla Popisil is fictional, Theron and Kidman play Megyn Kelly and Gretchen Carlson, two real-life Fox News anchors.

After her contract at Fox News expired in 2016 she filed a harassment suit against her former employer, which encouraged dozens of other employees to come forward with their own stories. Kelly then revealed in her memoir that Ailes had made physical advances upon her throughout her tenure.

In the trailer, the three women run into one another in an elevator, exchanging inquisitive glances before Carlson breaks the silence. "Hot in here," she says, before exiting, alongside Popisil, to the Fox News office. Check it out below.

The film, which was announced shortly after Ailes' death in 2017, is written by Charles Randolph (The Big Short) and directed by Jay Roach (Austin Powers, Meet The Parents).

Lots of people on Twitter have lauded the make-up department for managing to transform Theron into Kelly, and we have to admit, it's uncanny...

BeFunky-collage (35)

Bombshell will be released in US cinemas on 20th December 2019 - a UK release date has yet to be announced


Ben AllenOn Demand Writer,