The Star Wars: Force Awakens panel was one of the most highly anticipated at the San Diego Comic-Con, with fans camping out to get seats. While it revealed a few prime tid-bits about the upcoming movie, the event itself was mostly a celebration of the love for Star Wars.


Harrison Ford may not have got the memo.

Asked how he was feeling after his recent injuries, he was in a typically gushing mood: “I’m fine,” he said. Asked whether he had ever imagined himself returning to the role of Han, Ford admitted “I never thought that it would come back to bless me rather than haunt me.” Carrie ‘Leia’ Fisher similarly undercut the nostalgic mood, quipping about her return to the set: “They were right about the acid flashbacks.”

For the real warm fuzzies, fans had to wait for this incredible behind the scenes video, showcasing many of the practical events and aliens, as well as a few surprise cameos.

Yes, that is Simon Pegg – who worked with director JJ Abrams when playing Scottie in Star Trek– getting into a monster suit. “My life is now complete,” the Hollywood nerd sighed. “It’s Star Wars. I burn for Star Wars.”

We know the feeling Simon. Super fans might find themselves tearing up at the sentimental footage, which would be a shame, because then they would miss some of the details that flash past. Our favourite?

It’s Admiral Akbar and Nien Nunb! The Rebel fleet leader and Lando Calrissian’s co-pilot from Return of the Jedi! Yes it's possible they are two different characters, but how many Mon Calamari and Sullastans do you know off the top of your head?

Another more obscure reference was revealed by Domnhall Gleeson, who let slip that his villainous General Hux will work at ‘Starkiller Base’. In George Lucas’s original draft of Star Wars, ‘Luke Starkiller’ was the original name for Luke Skywalker.

Abrams and writer Lawrence Kasdan certainly seem to be going all out to please Star Wars fans. In fact, after the panel was over, all 7,000 people in the audience were invited to a special surprise Star Wars concert far far away…around the back of the convention centre.


Star Wars The Force Awakens will be released in the UK on December 18th 2015
