Die Hard 6 title revealed
Bruce Willis' last outing as John McClane gets a screenwriter... and a rather obvious title, it seems

The Die Hard franchise's apparent penchant for letting its films be named by a ten year old continues apace. Fresh from the fifth instalment, A Good Day To Die Hard, the sixth and reportedly last outing for John McClane is called... Die Hardest.
Screenwriter Ben Trebilcook has confirmed the working title along with his involvement in writing a treatment for the story after meeting Die Hard 5 consulting producer Larry D. Webster on his current action film, Knockout. Details are sparse, but Trebilcock did tell Total Film that the story will begin in New York, before moving on to the main location of Tokyo.
“As the project’s at the treatment stage,” he says, “we’ll have to wait to see if this one does progress to production... It is extremely faithful to the franchise and characters and is a natural progression. It's also a very plausible storyline.”
It’s not all set in stone yet, though, of course.
"Getting Larry's support was great, but there are many hurdles to leap yet and two of those are called Bruce Willis and [producer] Alex Young. [There's] the possibility producers might go back and find some other source material to base the next one on, like they did with the first and second. Mine though, I feel it could be the Rocky Balboa of the Die Hard franchise.”
Speaking to Screen Rant while Die Hard 5 was in production, Bruce Willis stated that this will be his last film as John McClane, saying: “In the next few years, they could easily find a replacement for me or call the character someone else. But for me, I want to do Die Hard 5, then one final Die Hard movie — Die Hard 6 — before finally hanging that white vest up for good. At the moment, I can run and I can fight on screen. But there will come a time when I no longer want to do that. That’s when I’ll step away from the Die Hard films.”
Whether he stays true to his word, however, remains to be seen...