Keeping track of everything that's going on in that big old Star Wars universe is starting to get really tricky now.


Disney's plans for the franchise, as you're probably aware, stretch way beyond making a few more Episodes. There are standalone films like this year's Rogue One (known as 'Anthology films'), but even that's just scratching the surface when you start getting into all the video games, TV series and books that make up Star Wars.

Here is everything we know about what to look out for in the Star Wars universe.

Star Wars movies

Rogue One - 16 December 2016

This standalone 'Anthology film' will show how the Rebel Alliance stole the Death Star plans. Timeline-wise, the events take place before the original Star Wars film A New Hope. Felicity Jones will playing hero Jyn Erso. Darth Vader is also rumoured to be making an appearance.

Star Wars: Episode VIII - 15 December 2017

The next instalment after The Force Awakens has already started filming. Daisy Ridley has already confirmed that the new movie will open where the last one left off: with Rey meeting Luke Skywalker. Rian Johnson, who earned his sci-fi chops on 2008 film Looper, will direct.

Untitled Han Solo Film - 25 May 2018

21 Jump Street directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller will helm this Anthology movie about a young Han Solo. Chewbacca is also confirmed to have a role.

Star Wars IX - 2019

The film will directed by Jurassic World’s Colin Trevorrow and some of the filming may even happen in space.

Star Wars Anthology film - 2020

Rumors abound about this movie, including that it will focus on Boba Fett. Josh Trank was on board to direct but left in the project in 2015 after Fantastic Four.

Star Wars TV series

Star Wars: Rebels. Season 3 - Autumn 2016

With the first season set five years before A New Hope, this animated series explores the adventures of the Rebel Alliance during a period in which the Galactic Empire was strengthening its grip on the galaxy.

Star Wars books

Bloodline - May 2016

Set six years before The Force Awakens, this novel focuses on the splits and infighting between two factions in the New Republican Order. The Populists believe that individual planets should have autonomy, while the Centrists believe in a more controlling galactic government.

Aftermath: Life Debt - July 2016

Occurring after Return of the Jedi, this book is the second story of the Aftermath trilogy. The plot revolves around Han Solo helping liberate Chewbacca’s homeworld of Kashyyk.

Catalyst - October 2016

This story is set before A New Hope, and will serve as a prequel to Rogue One.

Aftermath: Empire’s End - January 2017

The final instalment of the Aftermath series deals with the lingering control of the Empire after Return of the Jedi.

Star Wars games

Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens – June 28 2016

This game will recount the plot of the latest Star Wars film, Lego-style.

Visceral Games Star Wars game - Unknown


Originally rumoured to be both an RGP and a Han Solo-centric tale, this game is still underdevelopment and doesn’t even have a title yet.

