Freeview film of the day: Old Boy
It's hammer time for James Brolin in Spike Lee's lively remake of the South Korean revenge classic

Old Boy ★★★
12.40-2.25am C4
It is with enormous relief that I confirm that the theatrically released cut of Spike Lee’s 2013 remake of Park Chan-wook’s 2003 South Korean thriller does not contain a reimagining of its most infamous scene. While the original has much to recommend it to strong- stomached fans of Asian noir, it cannot be forgiven for its scene in which a live octopus is eaten by a man. This does not make Lee’s academic rehash a superior film, but it is a serviceable mystery and well enough cast. Josh Brolin stars as the framed man fighting to clear his name after 20 years of incarceration, Elizabeth Olsen and Michael Imperioli (The Sopranos) are his charismatic allies and Sharlto Copley makes for an irritating villain. It has a graphic- novel look, with Lee conjuring some striking imagery. I would like to recommend seeing the original, but can’t.
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