Pride & Prejudice ★★★★


6.30-9.00pm Film4

I risked the wrath of the Colin Firth lobby by declaring my preference for this lively, handsome 2005 version of the Jane Austen staple, but I prefer Matthew Macfadyen’s doughty Mr Darcy. Director Joe Wright makes the Bennet household a living, breathing, three-dimensional place, taking us under washing lines and over the back wall, and as well as the usual National Trust properties, we get swathes of forestry and farmland. Keira Knightley’s pouting Lizzie is apposite and Donald Sutherland the first fully rounded Mr Bennet. Look out, too, for a debuting Carey Mulligan, and when Darcy makes his long walk to declare his love, it’s the misty landscape that steals the scene. Preceded by The Jane Austen Book Club.

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