James Corden's Dad has written in to Kermode and Mayo's Film Review Show after film critic Mark Kermode called the actor's performance in Peter Rabbit "appallingly irritating".


Presenter Simon Mayo read out a message on the BBC Radio 5 Live show from Corden's father Malcolm criticising the review.

"To hear you describe our son as 'appallingly irritating' was very difficult to listen to," Mayo quoted from the letter. Kermode pointed out that his words referred to Corden's performance in the movie.

"I’m sure you will agree that as parents we are the only ones who have permission to describe our own offspring as appallingly irritating," Malcolm's message continued.

"One sincerely hopes that you never have to hear someone else describe your children as such, especially live on air, and especially as it seemed James was the only one drawn out for any criticism."

Corden's Dad also challenged Kermode's review of recent film The Greatest Showman, saying that he and his wife enjoyed the film despite the critic's description of it as "very poor".

The letter ended, "I have to commend you guys for your excellent broadcasting skills over many years. Funny, engaging, informative and usually – barring when you review our son and Hugh Jackman – a most uplifting way to spend a Friday afternoon. Thank you both.”

Kermode was scathing in his radio review of the new Peter Rabbit movie, starring Corden along with Domhnall Gleeson, Daisy Ridley and Elizabeth Debicki.

"If you've read the books you will be appalled," Kermode said. "I think if you can read you're likely to be appalled."


Listen to Kermode's review of Peter Rabbit below.
