John Boyega returns as Finn in exclusive new Lego Star Wars video
The Force Awakens actor is back in brick in the new trailer for the Lego Star Wars video game

Published: Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 1:00 pm
Star Wars actor John Boyega is a busy boy right now.
As if filming the next Episode in the franchise wasn't work enough, he's also preparing for a theatre production with Harry Potter playwright Jack Thorne AND working on a Netflix and BBC adaptation of children's classic Watership Down.
Thankfully, there's still a chance to see more of him as Finn – in the Lego Star Wars video game.
Boyega recorded his own dialogue for the Lego version of his Force Awakens character, meaning we all get to check in with everybody's favourite treacherous stormtrooper/sanitation supervisor.
Check out an exclusive clip of the game below, due out from 28th June 2016.