Mark Hamill continues to troll Star Wars fans with his birthday tweet to John Boyega
The actor hints that Finn is "SONsational" in Episode VIII

After the efforts of keeping the details of Episode VII secret for so long, Mark Hamill is having plenty of fun trolling Star Wars fans on Twitter. Last week he teased that Daisy Ridley was his (heavily rumoured) long lost daughter, and yesterday he used his happy birthday tweet to co-star John Boyega to continue his merciless teasing of the fandom.
Mixing up the spelling of 'sensational' to hint that Boyega might be revealed as his on-screen son in the eighth film, Hamill himself joked he was being a "#Troll".
I think we'll decide not to believe this one, thanks Mr Hamill.
Meanwhile, fellow Star Wars actress Daisy Ridley joined the online birthday love, sharing this gorgeous drawing of Rey and Finn.